Centre for Population Genomics

Genetic Diversity

Broadening inclusion of underrepresented communities in genomic research

Building representative genomic resources

Many Australian communities are underrepresented or completely missing from genomics resources. This creates inequity in access to genomics medicine and its benefits. We are working to address this through an ambitious new program, OurDNA.

Supported by a $10 million Medical Research Future Fund grant, OurDNA is building comprehensive genomic resources that are more representative of Australia’s remarkable human diversity. 

OurDNA is partnering with diverse communities from the Pacific, South-East Asia, the Middle East, and East Africa residing in Sydney and Melbourne to:
co-design culturally respectful and scalable approaches for community engagement and recruitment
recruit thousands of individuals from underrepresented communities to create new and more representative resources
ensure that diverse Australian communities can benefit equitably from genomic medicine through responsible data sharing

Developing culturally aligned participant information and education materials

A major barrier for many diverse communities to participate in genomic research is the lack of culturally appropriate participant information and explanatory materials.

To address this gap, we created culturally aligned and language-appropriate participant information and education resources for use in clinical and population genomics research in 10 languages that are a priority for genomics in Australia - Arabic, Dari, Farsi, Fijian, Hazaragi, Samoan, Tagalog, Tongan, Urdu, and Vietnamese.

Recommended by multicultural sector advisors and cross-cultural communication experts, the project took a best practice approach and worked closely with two translators per language, and consulted community members to ensure the materials are accessible to multicultural communities.

The materials are openly available under a Creative Commons licence for use by any program. These will be available through an interactive text compilation tool in the next months. We will also share our methodology to allow further languages to be added.

Read our white paper on this project

Supporting Australian Indigenous communities

We are a proud and active member of the ALIGN and CONNECT consortia, national Indigenous-led efforts working to empower Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in genomic medicine and research.

We provide technical leadership for the development of genomic data infrastructure for nationally consistent, culturally appropriate, and ethical storage, management, and sharing of genomic data to benefit Indigenous Australians. This has led to:

1,000+ participants whose whole-genome sequencing was supported by CPG for the PROPHECY Diabetes Multi-Omics Cohort Study - the largest Australian Indigenous cohort sequenced to date

1,000+ prospective Indigenous Australians to be recruited from New South Wales communities in future efforts led by Professor Alex Brown, an internationally leading Aboriginal clinician and researcher at the Telethon Kids Institute and Director of the National Centre of Indigenous Genomics at the Australian National University.
