Centre for Population Genomics

Large-scale genomic analysis of existing cohorts (LGA)

(PI: Professor Daniel MacArthur, Centre for Population Genomics)

The LGA project provides the CPG with an overarching framework to generate and analyse genomic data from existing and previously consented samples with the aim of characterising classes of genetic variation and their association with a variety of biological traits. Where the consent governing the use of the data allows, we will also contribute the de-identified, aggregate genomic data to a new open-access database of genetic variation that more fully captures the diversity of the Australian population, known as the OurDNA Browser (described above). 

Collaborating LGA projects

Supported by our LGA overarching framework, we are working with a number of existing large cohort researchers and projects across Australia, including:

  • Tasmanian Ophthalmic Biobank (PI: Professor Alex Hewitt, Menzies Institute for Medical Research): this project aims to better understand the causes of various eye disease. The CPG is collaborating with Professor Alex Hewitt and his team on generating and analysing whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data from ~1,000 control samples from this cohort. Find out more here
  • BioHEART (PI: Professor Gemma A. Figtree, University of Sydney): this project aims to identify novel blood markers and mechanisms to identify people with atherosclerosis well before they suffer any untoward events such as a heart attack or cardiac arrest. The CPG is collaborating with Professor Gemma Figtree and her team on generating and analysing whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data from ~1,000 samples from this cohort. Find out more here
  • PROPHECY (PI: Professor Alex Brown, South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute): this project aims to understand the burden, natural history and propensity for complication development in Aboriginal people with or at risk of T2D, outlining the social, psychological, environmental, clinical and genomic predictors of disease and disease progression. The CPG is collaborating with Professor Alex Brown and his team on generating whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data from ~1,200 samples from this cohort. Find out more here
  • MacKenzie's Mission (Professors Edwin Kirk (University of NSW), Nigel Laing (University of Western Australia) and Martin Delatycki (Murdoch Children's Research Institute)): this project aims to investigate the best way to deliver a national reproductive genetic carrier screening program by providing screening to up to 10,000 couples across Australia. The CPG is collaborating with Mackenzie's Mission team to reprocess and return harmonised variant calls to the Australian Genomics Genomic Data Repository (AG GDR). Find out more here.